I am currently participating in an online Bible Study at “Good Morning Girls.” www.goodmorninggirls.org 

This winter we are covering Luke 1-8.

Today’s assigned scripture is Luke 1:26-38 and the S.O.A.P. method is to ponder on verses 37-38. 

Verse 38 really spoke to me… “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said.”


This was my conviction in the wee hours of the morning.

Mary’s response was immediate.

She did not say, “I need to think about this,” nor did Mary say, “Let me discuss this with Joseph.” Her humble and surrendered life was God’s to do with as He willed, not a she willed. Mary had a true servant’s heart. 

You see, I serve my family; I feel fine about it. I am not happy, sad, or mad when I serve; I just do it.  Let’s just say, I am not in “sin.” 

I thought about a friend of mine, Larry, who is a waiter.  I have observed him serving others.  Larry has true joy in his heart as he takes orders, delivers the hot plates of food, and cleans up after others.  You see, this guys was called to “serve.”  I can see it on his face; it radiates “JOY!”

As a woman, wife and mother, I have been “called to serve” by my Heavenly Father.  I serve my husband, children, aging parents, boss, others, and even the family dog!!  I am sure that you all know exactly what I am talking about.  

This morning, I asked the God to give me a NEW ATTITUDE.   Now, just to reiterate, my attitude is not BAD. 

At this very busy time in my life,  I pray for…..

a true servant’s heart….

a servant’s attitude….

and a servant’s “JOY!!”

Abide with Him today,


The Gathering 235